# Self Hosting

# Prerequisites

# Installation

# Node.JS

First you need to install Node.JS (opens new window). If you are on Linux or macOS, you can use nvm (opens new window) to download and use the latest LTS version of Node. If you want nvm on Windows, nvm-windows (opens new window) is a good alternative.

nvm install --lts
nvm alias default node

If you are on Windows you can download and install Node.JS (opens new window). If you still want nvm on Windows, nvm-windows is a good alternative.


Make sure you download the LTS version! Using the latest version may have unintended side effects!

# Git (optional)

If using ubuntu or debian flavor of linux, you can obtain git by running the following command:

sudo apt-get install git

If using CentOS or similar OS, you can install it via the following command:

sudo yum install git

If you'd like to install git from source on a different operating system, you can obtain git through their official downloads (opens new window) page.

# Yarn

After Node has been installed, you should have also gotten NPM (opens new window) with the installation. You can simply install yarn with one command.

npm install -g yarn

See yarnpkg.com > Getting Started > Install (opens new window) for more information.

Make sure to install the dependencies needed for the bot to run. You can install everything you need by running this in the project directory:

yarn install

# Redis

Redis is a database used for command cooldowns. This is better than using any other database since Redis can handle the traffic. You can follow the quickstart (opens new window) to know how to install Redis.


It is recommended that you set a password to the Redis database. You can do this by either editing the configuration file (opens new window) or adding one with the --requirepass flag to the redis-server command.

# PostgresSQL

PostgresSQL is where long-term data will stay. This is where information like user settings and webhook data reside. You can install PostgresSQL here (opens new window). After that is installed and it has started, you can connect to it with the postgres user using this command:

sudo -u postgres psql

This should take you to the interactive terminal. From here you can modify the database. It is best to create a new user (with a password) and database. To do this, you can type this:

CREATE USER tacobot WITH PASSWORD 'someOrdinaryPassword';

After this, you type \q to exit the interactive terminal. Any table creation will be handled on the first start of the bot.


If you need to change the password of the user, you can run this:

sudo -u postgres psql
\password tacobot

# Getting the bot's code

There are two ways to obtain the code for Taco.

# Download from GitHub directly

You can download the code directly from the GitHub website by visiting the Repo (opens new window). Once there click the green "Clone or download" button and click the Download ZIP option. After that, extract the code into the folder you wish to run it from.

# Download via Git

This option is helpful if you wish to keep your code up to date with the upstream repo (Our primary repo). This assumes you have git installed. If you haven't done this, follow the instructions above.

To download/clone the repo either open Git Bash (on windows) or from the CLI of your server run the following command:

git clone https://github.com/trello-talk/Taco
cd Taco

This will download the code to a folder called Taco and navigate to that Taco folder.

# Starting the bot

Before you start the bot, make sure to clone every file from the .Config folder into a new Config folder. From there, there should be documentation on every value in every configuration file. Make sure all the required values are filled out before running the bot.

After this, you can finally run the bot:

yarn start


If you want to run the bot in the background, you can install PM2 (opens new window) and run this command:

pm2 start pm2.json