# Taco Bot Command List

# General

Command Description
/auth Get the authentication link to connect your Discord account to your Trello account.
/bot info Get information about the bot.
/bot donate Get the donation links (Patreon, Ko-fi) for the developer.
/bot github Sends the bot's open source link.
/bot invite Sends the bot invite link.
/bot support Get the invite for the support server.
/user-settings locale ["userset"|"serverset"] [locale] Lets you set the locale for you or the server. Run with no arguments for a list of locales.

# User Management

Command Description
/me View information about your Trello account.
/switch [boardID|boardName] Selects a board to use for other commands. Use the /boards command to see what boards you can select.
/star [boardName|boardID] Toggles starring a board. If no board is defined, the current board is used. Starred boards will show up at the top of your boards list on Trello (opens new window).
/watch-board [boardName|boardID] Toggle watching a board. If no board is defined, the current board is used. Watched boards will give you update notifications on Trello (opens new window).
/watch-card [cardName|cardID] Toggle watching a card. Watched cards will give you update notifications on Trello (opens new window).
/watch-list [listName|listID] Toggle watching a list. Watched lists will give you update notifications on Trello (opens new window).
/clear-auth Clears your Trello authorization. Do not run this unless you really need to.
/clear-data Removes your user data from Taco.

# Webhooks

Command Description
/webhook add [boardID|boardName] Creates a webhook on your server.
/webhook set <active|name|locale|filter_policy|style|filters|cards|lists|thread> <webhookID> Edits a webhook's settings.
/webhook delete <webhookID> Removes a webhook from your server.
/webhook view <webhookID> Get information about a specific webhook.
/webhook list Lists the webhooks on your server.
/webhook repair <webhookID> Repairs a webhook on your server.

# Viewing

Command Description
/board Gets information on the current board.
/boards Lists all of the boards you can manage.
/card [cardName|cardID] Gets information about a specific card.
/cards Lists all the cards in the current board. You can see the card archive using the filter option
/attachments [cardName|cardID] View a card's attachments.
/list [listName|listID] Lists all cards in that list.
/lists Lists all of the open lists on the current board. You can see the list archive using the filter option.
/label [labelName|labelID] View cards that are assigned a given label.
/labels Lists all of the labels on the current board.

# Editing

Command Description
/add-card [listName|listID] [name] Creates a card.
/add-label [name] Creates a label on the current board.
/add-list [name] Creates a list on the current board.
/comment [cardName|cardID] [comment] Comment on a card in the current board.
/delete-label [labelName|labelID] Deletes a label.
/delete-card [cardName|cardID] Deletes a card.
/edit-board Edit the current board's properties.
/edit-card <attributes|move|labels|members> [cardName|cardID] Edit a card's properties.
/edit-label [labelName|labelID] [subcommand] … Edit a label's properties.
/edit-list [listName|listID] [subcommand] … Edit a list's properties.